Author: yourhrtech

In my more than 40 years in business, including being the vice president of human resources at Microsoft, I’ve observed a major shift in how long people stay at a job. When I first started my career in the 1980s, my parents and every career advisor said you needed to stay in a job for a good five years — three years at the bare minimum. Anything less than that, and you were seen as a job-hopper. The first thing hiring managers were taught to look for on a résumé was how long the candidates were in each job and to…

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Building for a successful 2024 requires business and HR leaders to look at how closely business trends are impacting skills consideration. From hiring the right people to building leaders who are ready for another year where tech disruptions take centre stage. We sit with Ruhie Pande, Group Chief Human Resources Officer, Sterlite Power to see how companies can hire better, build resilience, and leverage AI for greater impact. What are the necessary ingredients to building a resilient company? What are you enabling that change in your company? Firstly, and very importantly today, the ability to build agile organizations. Promoting faster,…

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In a move that underscores the competition in the HR services sector, HiBob is acquiring U.K.-based payroll provider Pento for $40 million. The acquisition is noteworthy not because of its size, but because it represents a clear signal that the HR platform market continues to evolve and attract investment. HiBob, an HR services platform, has raised nearly $600 million since its founding in 2015. It is part of a generation of HR platforms that emerged during a period of rapid HR SaaS market expansion, such as Rippling, which was founded in 2016 and has raised $1.2 billion, and Lattice, also…

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From recruitment and hiring to employee onboarding and engagement, AI-powered solutions offer promising prospects for automating routine tasks, thereby allowing HR professionals to focus on more strategic and human-centric aspects of their roles. However, amidst these technological advancements, a significant portion of HR efforts continues to revolve around traditional employee surveys. These surveys, while aimed at gauging employee sentiment and engagement, are fraught with challenges. They often yield biased feedback, suffer from low participation rates, and fail to provide the timely, actionable insights necessary for responding to the rapidly changing dynamics of the modern workplace. The persistence of these issues…

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We have been studying the role of AI in HR for many years. Today we are announcing our brand new AI in HR Certificate Course, built on our years of research and client interviews in all areas of HR. (And a 10% discount if you sign up before the end of March! Coupon code: JBPREDICTIONS10). AI in HR Has A Rich History Starting in the early days of applicant tracking systems (ATS), vendors have been using inference models to scan resumes, match them to job descriptions, and try to assess “fit” or “match” between a job seeker and a position.…

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The rising scale of digital transformation across emerging sectors is a testament to how businesses are today building tech-driven processes to unleash their potential. This transformation has come to embrace a technology that is fast reshaping the business landscape: Artificial intelligence. While the growing digitalisation of business processes, supported by analytics and automation has proven to be a game changer, the advent of AI as a powerful tool for leaders has led to the complete reimaging of such processes. One of the most significant impacts of AI for emerging businesses lies in its potential to revolutionise the HR function. So…

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The Roadmap to HR Analytics The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So, the roadmap to HR analytics effectively starts by collecting data about your workforce and making sure it’s accurate and reliable. Focus on generating reports and analysing this data to uncover insights that help you understand current trends, diagnose problems, predict future challenges, and prescribe solutions. Embrace a forward-thinking, design-oriented approach, develop a commercial mindset, and view HR decisions in financial terms. Here are some of the basic steps you need to take: 1. Understand Existing and Future Data Sources  You should start by…

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Workers in the UK can expect less generous salary settlements this year, as employers rein in hiring plans, according to a report from the professional body for human resources. In its regular labour market outlook, which gauges employers’ expectations for the year ahead, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) said employers were pencilling in the most meagre pay rises since the pandemic. This was despite improved business confidence driven by the services sector, according to a separate report by the accounting firm BDO that said output reached its highest level since July 2022. However, the number of employers…

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Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) play a pivotal role in shaping the intellectual landscape of nations, serving as the breeding ground for knowledge and innovation. However, a critical challenge faced by these institutions is the effective management of human resources, particularly in the context of the growing influence of technology. This essay explores the need for careful consideration in implementing tech-driven human resource management in HEIs, shedding light on the implications of staff costs and faculty vacancies based on the provided data. Human resource management (HRM) in HEIs involves the strategic deployment and development of faculty and staff to ensure optimal…

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Many organizations are implementing new AI-driven recruiting technology this year, either as a new build or as an element of current systems. Three-quarters of HR leaders, according to a Gartner survey, believe that failing to adopt and integrate AI solutions within the next 12 to 24 months will put their company behind in terms of organizational success compared to those that embrace AI. As nearly all enterprise tech systems include some element of artificial intelligence—with more features and new vendors hitting the scene regularly—HR leaders must ramp up related communication with all stakeholders, from the C-suite to the front line. For many HR teams,…

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